Silkville Ranch

Bichelmeyer Land & Cattle

Located in Williamsburg, Kansas, the family-owned Bichelmeyer Ranch raises, breeds, and supplies Kansas City meat market, Bichelmeyer Meats with locally-raised beef. My uncles, Jim and Joe, run the operations of the ranch, with a cast of essential ranch hands and neighbors working constantly to keep cattle moving through the seasons and stages of ranch life. 

Documentary photography by Jennifer Wetzel

Project overview

The purpose of this project is to visually show a way of life that is physically demanding, delicately tied to the seasons, yet also brings a strong sense of personal fulfillment and satisfaction to those involved. My photographs capture the days of tagging new calves, supplying nutrients, branding and constant herding from pasture to corral to chute and back to pasture, and also the simple highlights of daily chores and duties, such as fence mending, bailing hay, making rounds on horseback. 

Short term project goals

I would like to grow this project by selling postcard sets of selected images through our Solo Disco Press website and also offering individual print sales in a variety of sizes, with all sales contributing to advance the project goals and reach.

Long term project goals

I would like to work toward designing a book to showcase a wide-range of photographs and accompanying writing, captions, interviews and additional graphics that help capture the broad nature of family ranching.  I would also like to plan a gallery show displaying a selection of photographs from the project.

Choose from 6 different curated sets. Set contents shown in images. Packaged & sealed in a clear sleeve. Enjoy!
4 select postcards/set
4 select postcards/set
4 select postcards/set
4 select postcards/set
4 select postcards/set
#6 CLOUD / OLD 50
4 select postcards/set

Thank you!

I appreciate you taking the time to preview my personal project. Please help support my future project goals by ordering a postcard set through the links above or by contacting me to find out other ways to help this project grow. I look forward to sharing more ranch photography through a variety of formats and exposure in the future. 

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